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Academic Publications and Non-academic Work

Dr. Gerardo L. Munck's research focuses on democracy and democratization, state capacity, Latin America, and methodology. He has also worked on the evolution of social science knowledge. 


His books include: 

  • El pensamiento sociopolítico latinoamericano: Ciencias sociales e intelectuales en tiempos cambiantes (with Martín Tanaka, Prometeo, 2023)

  • Latin American Politics and Society: A Comparative and Historical Analysis (with J. P. Luna, Cambridge University Press, 2022)

  • Critical Junctures and Historical Legacies: Insights and Methods for Comparative Social Science (with David Collier, Rowman & Littlefield, 2022)

  • A Middle-Quality Institutional Trap: Democracy and State Capacity in Latin America (with Sebastián Mazzuca; Cambridge University Press, 2020)

  • Measuring Democracy: A Bridge Between Scholarship and Politics (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009)

  • Regimes and Democracy in Latin America (Oxford University Press, 2007)

  • Passion, Craft, and Method in Comparative Politics (with Richard Snyder; The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007)

  • Authoritarianism and Democratization: Soldiers and Workers in Argentina, 1976-83 (Penn State University Press, 1998)


He has edited the following special issues of journals: 

  • Co-editor with David Collier, “Symposium on Critical Junctures and Historical Legacies.” Qualitative and Multi-Method Research Vol. 15, Nº 1 (Spring 2017).

  • Co-editor with David Collier, "Regimes and Democracy in Latin America." Studies in Comparative International Development Vol. 36, Nº 1 (Spring 2001).


Dr. Munck's book Authoritarianism and Democratization. Soldiers and Workers in Argentina, 1976-83 was selected by Choice Magazine as one of the “Outstanding Academic Titles for 1999.” His article “Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: Evaluating Alternative Indices” (Comparative Political Studies, 2002) received the 2003 Award for Conceptual Innovation in Democratic Studies, of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Committee on Concepts and Methods (C&M) and the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Mexico. His article “What is Democracy? A Reconceptualization of the Quality of Democracy,” Democratization (2016) received the Frank Cass Prize for Best Overall Article in Democratization in 2016.


Dr. Munck's has worked in the field of democracy promotion over the past 20 years. He worked on Democracy in Latin America (2004), a report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); a followup report of the UNDP and the Organization of Americas States (OAS), Our Democracy in Latin America (2011); and has been active in various initiatives to promote and monitor democracy. He was a member of the International Expert Panel of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), and a member of the Expert Advisory Board for the development of International IDEA’s Global Democracy Index. He has consulted for the UNDP, the Organization of Americas States (OAS), the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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